
헌신적인 직원들은 때와 장소를 가리지 않고 우리의 요구와 질문에 응답해 주었으며 그 결과, 우리는 3개월이라는 짧은 시간에 행정적인 모든 절차를 마치고 입주하여 업무를 하고 있습니다. 복잡한 행정절차로 인한 시간지연을 피하는데 도움이 된 GTI의 서비스에 깊은 인상을 받았습니다.
GTI dedicated staffs always respond to our inquiries anytime and anywhere. As a result, within a short time of about 3 months we have moved into the factory. I am very impressed with GTI’s services, they are very helpful in assisting us to avoid time delays due to complicated administrative procedures.
조성윤 Cho, SungYoon
과장, Manager
Bongan Industrial Tent Co.,Ltd.

Thank you GTI for providing the quality factory at an affordable price for us. Moreover, GTI has allowed us to use the Service Center while the factory is being renovated, which make us felt welcomed and not alone when establishing the company. It is challenging, but since we have GTindustrial, we have the courage to face everything and the belief to create a better future. Thank you for all of your supports! Let’s overcome challenges and share a successful future together.